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Privacy & cookie Policy

Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to protecting your personal information. 

When you use our website and purchase our products you must be 16 years or older, we also collect your data in a variety of ways. Sometimes you will provide this information directly to us and in other cases it will be collected automatically through the use of cookies. If you contact us through our website, social media, e-mail and/or purchase our products we will collect the following information in order to fulfil the contract with your and respond effectively to your query:  your name, postal address, e-mail, order details or payment information. 


We will share the information we collect about you with our service provides to the extent necessary. We keep your personal data no longer than is strictly necessary to achieve the goals for which your date is collected. We use a retention period for administrative purposes of 5 years for your personal data. 


The personal information you provide may be shared with fraud detection services and credit checking agencies. Where we are required to do so by law, we will also provide this information to any relevant judicial authority. Shipping information such as your address and email address may be shared with courier services.


Credit card and bank details will never be shared with third parties and will only be used to process your order. Credit card details are encrypted and are not visible to employees of Gigi Antwerp.


We have a registration policy when it comes to communicate by e-mail. When you sign up for the newsletter, you will receive an occasional email from After registration it is always possible to unsubscribe from registration in our e-mail file. By subscribing to our newsletter you consent to receive communications from us by e-mail. However, every time we contact you by email you will be given the option to unsubscribe from this service by clicking the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email. In addition, you can unsubscribe by sending an email to


You are entitled to view, edit or delete your Personal Data. You are entitled to submit a complaint concerning the procession of Personal Date to the Privacy Commissioner. You can send us a request for access, correction or deletion to We will respond to your request as soon as possible and at the latest within 5 weeks. 


Gigi Antwerp uses cookies to analyse surfing behaviour in order to improve its website. Cookies are small pieces of data that are automatically stored on your computer when you visit our website. They are used, for example, to store your preferences so that you don’t have to reset them each time your visit the website. We have no control over third party cookies (e.g. Google Analytics), which are covered by the privacy policies of the relevant providers. 

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